CNC Machine Repair
Using the Mini-Ductor® Portable Induction Heater & Flameless Torch
Learn how to remove and repair corroded or seized spindles, rotary tables, nuts, bolts, and more with the Mini-Ductor handheld induction heater.
Some form of corrosive occasionally gets into CNC spindles, ball screws and nut assemblies. Because there is more friction here than in any other part of a CNC machine, it’s crucial that these parts operate smoothly. The Mini-Ductor is ideal for heating up these parts without damaging them or those nearby so that they can be removed, cleaned, repaired, or replaced.
Using induction heating to heat and cool shafts and housings can allow for easier spindle bearing installation so that you are not putting pressure on the inner or outer race, which can cause brinelling (the permanent indentation of a hard surface). Using the Mini-Ductor allows for better heating control than a heat gun and offers more flexibility than a heat plate.
The Mini-Ductor is useful for popping pulleys off to remove and replace spindle motor bearings.
Rotary Tables
Those repairing rotary tables will want to consider using an induction heater like the Mini-Ductor. Coolant can bleed into the rotary table, causing corrosion but can be easily removed and repaired with the Mini-Ductor.
Nuts, Bolts & More
The Mini-Ductor is ideal for removing any nut, bolt, screw, or other part made with ferrous metal because they’re corroded or seized – on CNC machines or any type of machines.
Need More Power or Flexibility?
If your application requires more heat than the Mini-Ductor can provide and/or need more flexible attachments for different uses, our Inductor® Series may be for you.
Contact us to learn more about repairing CNC machines with induction heating