Removing a rusted or corroded Brake bleeder nut is made easier with the Mini-Ductor® II + induction heating tool. Thanks to Richard Bowler, editor of Professional Motor Mechanic (PMM), our simple step by step guide was featured in his magazine’s December 2014 issue. In case you missed it, find out how the Mini-Ductor® II + makes an often lengthy, difficult and frustrating task easier.
To see the tool in action, watch our step by step video guide to removing a Brake bleeder nut here.

How to remove a stuck, rusty brake bleeder nut with a Mini-Ductor®II+

Removing brake bleeder nuts is often a lengthy, difficult and frustrating task. The nuts rust easily and as they are usually placed in inaccessible areas, making it very hard to remove them. Our step by step video guide shows you how easily the Mini-Ductor’s coils bend to access the nut and heat it quickly for easy removal. Because the induction heat created by the Mini-Ductor® II + is flameless, there’s minimum risk of damaging brake parts, such as the brake line or pipe.